Helena’s drama evening was most enjoyable which I felt in many ways was directed at me.
Carolyn’s introductory talk, although not about drama, highlighted the dramatic effects that the debilitating condition Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) has had on herself and thousands more. Having endured this condition myself for many years, it is without a doubt; Carolyn was truly speaking for ME. With this in mind, I would urge all to visit the website she was campaigning for http://www.actionforme.org.uk/get-involved/campaign-for-change/time-for-action
After Carolyn’s exemplary speech, Kirsty demonstrated her ability as an aspiring actress and singer by not only reading out her script, but by sampling her dulcet tones in front of the whole group. Gutsy Girl!
The group was then asked to show scripts produced from homework; ‘Don’t I know you?!’ was the only stipulated line to be incorporated into a short sketch. Simon’s ‘Strangers on a train,’ had us laughing out loud at the man with Rosacea who was accused of having high blood pressure but confessed to simply having the face of a drunk.
My own short sketch with a nurse and his ‘pile’ of patients was effectively read by Ann and Sheila; my thanks to both for bringing the scene to life. I’ve learned it’s of paramount importance to hear your work read aloud to pinpoint errors that might otherwise go unnoticed.
Lastly, Helena’s and Catherine’s excellent winning SAW scripts were also read out. These were not only hilarious with poignant moments, but because I have an avid interest in screenwriting, I learned more about dialogue, layout and the importance of timing for each gag.
Well worth the effort to drag myself down to the Club!
Gail McPartland