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Lou’s Family Blog

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One of our very newest Ayr Writers’ Club members, Lou, moved to South Ayrshire from the Isle of Man only 18 months ago. 

An avid writer from the earliest of school days, Lou has always ‘written things down’, be it through pen and paper, or computer and mouse. She has often found the drafting process to be quite therapeutic, that words came easy. 

It was when her young son, Samuel, received a diagnosis of autism a few years ago, that Lou’s struggles to ensure that he received the very best of support from outside agencies, local schools, found their way, quite naturally, in to a blog – Confusion, Delay, Love, Patience and Chardonnay! – is its title.

Within this deeply personal blog, Lou shares some of life’s most tender, and most difficult, times. It tells how Lou has strived to ensure that her son received the education that he needed. That he grew and he thrived. And how, at times, some situations felt quite overwhelming. 

Her heart and spirit tumbles out on to the page.

For now, it’s a blog. But Lou hopes to distil all of that experience, that hard-won wisdom, into a book, a memoir. She’ll tell it how it was, how it is, for a mum, a family, and a wee boy. 

Although it’s a couple of years since Lou has added to the blog, she is determined to update it soon, saying, “Ayrshire has given me so much to write about, but I am needing a kick up the bum to get going again. When I read about AWC I thought that I should join.” We’re very glad you did, Lou, and look forward to reading your memoir.

Lou’s blog can be found here – Confusion, Delay, Love, Patience and Chardonnay!


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