Posh frocks and Sunday best were on show at the Savoy Park, as Carolyn has already reported. Mantlepieces will be groaning under the strain of proudly displayed silverware and some of us will still be trying to work off the cake-excess we indulged in over the evening.
Now the truth is laid bare.
The celebratory cake – but we had to eat our greens before we were allowed to indulge
Can Ayr United put on a trophy display like this?
Is this your normal teatime table? Marion did us proud.
A glass half full, half empty – or one that just needs filling?
Half a century of writing successes on display – before Carolyn gets it placed with the Ayrshire Archives
Continuing President Jeanette sets the ball rolling for the evening – “behave yourselves”
Is Carolyn auditioning for Strictly or simply encouraging us all to enjoy the writing on display?
Carey and Damaris wait in eager anticipation …
… while Gill and Chris seem to know what’s coming
And so the presentations began
Jeanette presents the Bioforce / Vogel Trophy for the book review competition to Nigel Ward ….
… and the J R & C H Mair Quaich to Maggie Bolton for her Scottish article …
… and the Ellie Hamilton Trophy to Thomas Malloch for a general short story …
… and one of many – five actually – to Linda Brown – a non-fiction article, a novel, some children’s fiction, a Drabble, and ultimately the Ishbel Robertson Trophy for the overall points winner in the club for 2020/21
Kirsty Hammond receives the Leigh Trophy for flash fiction …
… Chris Palmer’ gets the Women’s Short Story Trophy …
… and Matt Richardson receives the Archie Quigley Trophy as the most successful novice writer in the club
Rounding off the evening’s presentations, Damaris West receives the Dorrith Sim Trophy as the club’s most published writer during the preceding year
With the trophies resting in their new holders’ possession, Carrie takes her hat off to get the raffle underway – a challenge for the colour blind
while Marion distributes the prizes
With the formalities over it was time to cut the cake – and comments to be made about lovely couples
Helena gives a premiere to one of her two poems that were launched at the dinner – plenty available to start the Christmas shopping – a snip at just £5.00
Still rapt attention – despite the advancing hour – definitely nothing to do with advancing years
Matt, Thomas and Kirsty admire the fruits of their creative efforts
Jeanette and Fiona set their stall out – ready to wipe out any competitors
And so to the final team photograph of the club’s prize-winners for 2020/21
Back row: Thomas, Matt, Chris, Nigel and Maggie; Front row: Linda, Damaris and Kirsty
“That’s all folks” as the movies say – but only it isn’t. We could well be having another when May 2022 comes round.
Nigel Ward
Great photos Nigel memories are made of these well done