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Article Writing with Sheila Grant – 8th October 2014

SG2 08 10 14Well this is it. My first ever blog – could be my last. Time or my fellow members will tell. Having settled down I now realise that a blog in this case is really a short review, I think. Anyway, being a newbie, a lot of leeway will be given. Mmmm!

It certainly wasn’t difficult to write about this evening’s guest speaker, Sheila Grant. A lady with a larger than life personality. With great enthusiasm and a degree of self-deprecating humour this avid article writer launched me into her world. Whilst some speakers will generalise, Sheila got straight to the nitty-gritty. Where should I direct my treasured writings? What approach should I take?

First things first: how do I find material to submit? I was mesmerised by her list of areas of research to help stimulate my brain: churchyards, postcards, parish records, miss-spelt signs, photographs and overheard conversations to name but a few, all to the mantra of who, what, why, where and when? Sound advice was delivered in her clear and concise voice. My opening sentence should be a grabber, not long but concise and strong. Facts to a minimumbuthumour included. Great!

It didn’t take too long before we were all put through our paces. An article had to be written. The quality of members’ feedback showed me that there is considerable talent lurking in the room. Subjects ranging from energy windmills to gold bullion, from French Presidents’ museums to a naked faux pas and from wartime recipes to husbands who wet their trousers! She did say writing should be fun!

Overall I would say Sheila wants us to research diligently to inspire and focus our minds, enjoy our writing, have fun and wait for the buzz, that special feeling when we see our article in print. Well, here’s hoping!

Ian West


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