Explore Girvan – January/February Issue 047
The new issue of Ayrshire Magazine is the second to feature members of AYR WRITERS.
Linda Brown, well known for her love of walking and her developing love of photography, has written The Woods Are Alive With The Sound of Bullfinch, a piece which captures these passions, along with her growing knowledge of birds.
Long-time member, Sheila Grant, returns in this issue with another Perils with Beryl piece about adventures in a campervan, and that’s not all.
Former AYR WRITERS’ members also feature. Rhona Anderson encourages us to get moving in her article, GO GIRVAN – Getting Active in the Biosphere, while Yvonne Jack is in nostalgic mood, in her piece, GIRVAN: A Walk Back Through Time.
Congratulations, all.
Read these, and so much more about Girvan, here: