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Exploring Kilmarnock – March/April Issue 048

This is becoming a lovely habit! Once again, our members are in print in the AYRSHIRE MAGAZINE.

Linda Brown takes us on another fascinating walk in the countryside, this time in her article entitled March Hares and Muddy Boots, a piece which captures her adventure as she set out to visit the Gallow Law Cairn, outside Newmilns.

Sheila Grant, too, returns in this issue with another Perils with Beryl piece in which she regales us with an unsettling red-light experience, on the A9. I’m saying no more! But that’s not all, Sheila also shares a fascinating insight into her home town of Kilmarnock.

And, on the subject of looking back, Suzy Kelly, provides a spine tingling bit of time travel in their piece DEAN CASTLE – AN ‘ANCIENT HOUSSE OFTE PERRILLD’ tracing its origins, and changing fortunes over hundreds of years, ending with the good news that it is reopening to the public on April 1st, after five years of expensive refurbishment.

Congratulations, all.

Read these, and so much more about Kilmarnock, here:


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