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Club Meeting 21st September 2011

This was the night the club set out its wares to make everyone aware of the aims of the club and what it offers to members.  Carolyn encouraged all new members when she told us what it was like to be a new member as she was last year.  Remarkably she entered five competitions and, benefiting from the crits and the help from club members, she has achieved publication in articles and poetry. Quick starter!

Ann cheered us all up by reading the appalling crit she received for the first competition she ever entered some years ago. Despite feeling devastated and discouraged, she continued writing and look what she has achieved.  Sheila spoke about the Scottish Association of Writers` conference, again stressing that not only was it a social weekend but the various competitions were worth entering for the feedback and discussions from the professional adjudicators.

Fiona spoke enthusiastically aboutSwanwick, the week long summer club held annually in Derbyshire, and Uuganna gave a report on the Society of Authors conference that took place in Edinburgh last week.  Lesley reiterated an invite to any who would like to attend one of the retreats in Portpatrick in November.

Two challenges were announced.  The first – for us all to really strive for publication and recoup the cost of membership.   This is a Writers` club and we should all be working towards seeing our by-line, even if it is only a letter to an editor.  That can lead to an article or a poem or a short story which could then lead to a novel.  So study the market and get writing.  You can do it.  And the thrill of seeing your name in print is indescribable.

Around 15 names were lucky enough to be drawn from a hat for the second challenge when they had a lucky(!) dip to choose a research project. It will be fascinating to hear what they uncover in their hunt and what gems they also collect as they digress through various internet sites.

A member of staff at the Bowling Club remarked on the amount of laughter he had heard. Good.

As a speaker at the conference said, `You are all writers since you have taken the step towards publication’.  So call yourself writers and get writing!
Sheila Grant

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