Ayr Writers’ Club member, Suzy A. Kelly, has found a writing method that really works.
It’s been so successful in fact, that, not only has she had her AWC 2018 250 words Flash Fiction Competition entry piece, Killing Marat, published within Stories from Home: An Anthology of Stories and Poems, but she’s gone on to have a second piece, a 2000 words General Short Story, Them at Nummer Six, placed within the upcoming issue of award-winning Gutter magazine, a journal of the best in new Scottish writing.
Both works started life as Ayr Writers’ Club Competition entries. Utilising the adjudicator’s feedback to edit and amend them, Suzy went on to submit both stories to the national Scottish Association of Writers’ annual competitions.
Killing Marat won the SAW Council Trophy for the best 2019 Flash Fiction entry, and Them at Nummer Six was runner-up in the 2020 General Short Story category.
Again, the pieces were tweaked from adjudicator’s comments, before being sent out as submissions. They have now found their forever homes.
Killing Marat can be found for sale on Amazon HERE, where it sits alongside works by acclaimed writers, Louise Welsh, Zoe Strachan and Olga Wojtas. All proceeds raised from the anthology are for The Ambulance Staff Charity.
And look out for the latest edition of Gutter (issue 22) for Suzy’s Them at Nummer Six story HERE.