Last weekend a very successful retreat took place in Portpatrick. Although there were only three of us, the creative juices certainly flowed in Ben Ma Cree.
Because of, or maybe in spite of, some gorgeous weather, we got round to working on various poems, short stories and children’s stories (including illustrations). A long-neglected novel was also rejuvenated and plans for its future developed.
On Saturday morning one of us reported spooky happenings in her room, which obviously heightened awareness in the other two, who both heard strange sounds the following night. Perhaps these happenings can be explained away, but a heartfelt poem was created as a result.
Lorraine kindly provided most of the food, which Alison and I were very happy to help consume. On Saturday a fantastic chicken curry cooked slowly all day, titillating our nostrils so much that we had difficulty waiting until evening to eat it!
We all had a great and productive time and are looking forward to the next time we take a break in Portpatrick.
Jennifer West