The penultimate club meeting of 2012 and my first ‘proper’ visit (I’m a new E-member) was Success Night.
Despite the icy conditions I’d ventured, with a little trepidation, from Newmilns to participate in this end of year celebration of the club’s competition and publishing successes. Thanks all for the friendly welcome.
The evening kicked off with the reading of the 1ST and 3rd placed entries in the book review competition. Well done to Alison Craig for her review of “The Lewis Man” and to Ann Trevorrow for hers on “A Year in the Village of Eternity”. Both interesting and informative, they left the reader/listener wanting more; I think I’ll be adding those two titles to my Santa wish list!
Then we moved on to the short story winners. Janice’s wonderful winning entry, “Family Ties,” (also shortlisted for the Imprint Writing Award) and my own, “Fillet Steak” – hope everyone heard me over my knocking knees?
K Edwards then treated us to “Leaves That are Green”. Her atmospheric short story about the death of an old man and his friend respecting his final wish was placed as runner up at the Imprint Writing Awards. Congratulations Karen. Check out here for the winning entries.
Michael Malone read us the epilogue of his book, “Carnegie Calls,” published and launched earlier this year. Congratulations to Michael too!
Two pieces accepted by the recent Ayrshire Writer’s Showcase at the Dick Institute, Kilmarnock were read. Sheila kindly read “Wee Darlin’” for me and Barbara with the able help of Maggie performed her short, humorous script, “Angelica’s Christmas in Ayrshire”. Frances, Rhona, Flora and Greta were all invited to participate in the above event too.
“Take a Leaf Out of My Book” by Ann was another great ‘leaves’ themed story shortlisted for Imprint. The club had an amazing 4 representatives on the competition’s shortlist with Frances also in the running.
Up next was Sheila with a fantastic article bursting with historical and geographical facts and anecdotes published in “The Highlander” magazine.
And lastly Janice reading a story “Is Anybody There?” published in “that’s life, Fast Fiction”- an excellent example of flash fiction – short and snappy with a great wee twist.
Our evening was rounded off with Ann reading the list of successes from the club’s Success Book.
What a great night and well done to everyone for an impressive and varied body of work. For me personally, it was nice to meet some new folk and put some faces to names. Heading back to “The Valley” I felt encouraged and inspired to write on!
Best wishes to all for Christmas and New Year and here’s to plenty more competition winners and published writers in 2013!
Linda Brown