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The Winter Fairy by K A Wyllie

Ebook Cover for blog

I’m delighted to announce that The Winter Fairy by our very own Kirsty Wyllie is now available on Kindle.

It can be downloaded here.Head Shot of Kirsty (blog)

  I would simply say that inspiration for this fairy tale was the opening scene of Walt Disney’s “The Lady and The Tramp”. I really loved the dream like quality of the sequence. I felt as if I could write a Christmas story with the same kind of feel to it and it developed from there. I’d like to dedicate this book to my grandparents. I would also like to thank you everyone for supporting me through the creative process, not forgetting my illustrator Audrey who would like to share with you her thoughts on the book.

Head shot of Audrey (blog)

Kirsty and I met at our local writing club. We had similar notions of fantastical fiction enriched by the illustration. As an artist/writer I was concentrating on art at that particular point and Kirsty was the obvious choice. On this we both met each other at the write place and right time.


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